Introvert Girl Downloads a Dating App

Introvert Girl describes her perfect evening and what she's into on a dating app.

This is exactly why introvert girls don't talk to people in real life until they truly know people ... because ... well, this!

Introvert Girl Downloads a Dating App -

Boy: Describe your perfect evening.
Girl: A movie on Netflix. Chocolate covered strawberries. A bottle of wine. And I'm wearing something comfortable.
G: Also, I'm alone.
B: So... What are you wearing?
G: Pajamas. 80% of the time.
G: *Pajamas photo*
B: What are you into, baby? ;)
G: Obscure documentaries. Mid-century modern furniture. And the lost art of sign painting.
B: No, I meant... What are your fantasies :P
G: Oh! Working from home. A new season of Breaking Bad. An Internet connection better than my 5Mbps.
Introvert Girl Downloads a Dating App Introvert Girl Downloads a Dating App Reviewed by Chef M Kraft on 2/21/2017 Rating: 5
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